What a month! Jenna's bike is about 5hrs of highly caffeinated tig welding and a quart of por-15 chassis black away from being finished. My Suzuki "ghetto blaster" is rollin' on 18" pentagrams and saving tons of gas. Steady's triumph has a classy new hand shifter and knob worthy of even the finest solid oak door. My sporty's running like a top and thanks to the best girlfriend ever is now sporting the correct slotted rocker nuts I've never felt like buying and will soon have an awesome new seat. Add in some goats, boat shoes a righteous sissy bar, and the installation of a fucking koi pond in the middle of the shop, and thats the month of May in a nutshell. Oh and word on the street is Kenny Motherfuckin' Horne just got his dragbike running...god help us all.