the past weekend was fantastic. i only got a little wet, only broke down once and learned a few new things.
it was time for the annual Montana SAR Rendezvous, this year held up in Flathead County. what a great reason to get gone for a few days. all in all i think i travelled just shy of 1,000 miles; some were scary, some were wet, all were welcome.unfortunately things got off to a rocky start as soon as i left work. thats when i noticed that my chain tensioner lightened itself by loosing all of the bearings. so off the the factory authorized shop where i tried, in vane, to convey what i needed. needless to say i should have gone with my gut and went straight to the local skate shop. 4 wheels with bearings: $4, win. thank you World Boards!
with that disaster averted i quickly packed and only briefly went over the bike.... bad idea.
Motorcycle Riding Memorandum #1: get your shit dialed BEFORE you leave. and another hint for everyone: your friends have their own lives, they don't want to be called every time you have a mechanical problem so use your head and figure your stupid, self-inflicted problems out. and a big thanks goes out to dylan for helping me trouble shoot my electrical. aside from the rain it was a nice place to break down.
my new favorite place of lodging! equipped with a wood stove, no windows and a door that only latches shut from the outside.
Montana Rt 83.
BEST PURCHASE EVER! too bad the lunatic wanted $200 for it.
and what better way to wrap-up a long road trip. when your pants are soaked and you haven't showered in 5 days, the first thing you need is a lap dance. PS: she was a bit reluctant.