welcome to the innernet's worst motorcycle periodical

Sunday, April 1, 2012

first real day out...

the ice is leaving and two wheels are again rolling. today was the first real putt around and what a day it was. the sun was a little spotty but the climate was friendly. the smooth roads made eating up 100+ miles seem like nothing. i have been hoping to do a little more exploring around this huge area but schedules are only recently permitting. last year's riding season was an utter failure by my standards; i think i only did one oil change and didn't burn up a single tire or chain. this year i hope is different.  
 while fumbling around southeast montangya, i found myself in Ennis. then i found myself in the gun shop. then i found myself with a trigger digging into my back and a bayonet poking my left ass-cheek for 60 miles.
my planning skills rival that of a four-year-old's. why would i even consider getting a new toy considering the constant bulimia of my bank account. further more, why would i pick up a long-gun when my transportation consists of a two-wheeled, rolling, come-apart? that being said, the looks i got on the way home were well worth the trouble.